Thanks to imyril, I wanted to pick up on her tag, Fantasy Characters of the Year, which she first saw at Space & Sorcery. I’m adapting it to Favorite Fantasy Characters of the past year or more without identifying a favorite male, female, villain, etc. – just fictional people that I find unforgettable. This theme […]
My Favorite 2021 Locus Recommendations
As a fan and amateur writer who doesn’t go to conferences, there are few awards I get to vote for, so I’m happy to see several of my favorites on the Locus 2021 recommendations long list. As a subscriber to this venerable magazine, I can actually participate and sent in my ballot as soon as […]
Lining Up My Vintage SciFi Month and the Winter TBR
Vintage SciFi Month for 2022 is coming up fast, and I wanted to set out my planned reviews for this event. The great thing about this is its simplicity. You just use the tag #VintageSciFiMonth on Twitter or your blog or Instagram to post anything of interest about science fiction written before your birth year […]
My 10 Favorite SFF Books of 2021
Is it just me or do others also feel that 2021 was an amazing year for great science fiction and fantasy? I don’t do that many list posts, but it’s especially interesting to look back over a year’s reading to put things in perspective. And yes, I do believe this was an incredible year. My […]
Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor – A Review
From the brilliant opening of Nnedi Okorafor’s Remote Control, when we meet the confident Sankofa, just fourteen, walking a road in rural Ghana (“Small swift steps made with small swift feet”) the hints of her extraordinary power are everywhere. She is a subject of rumor, people hide from her approach, she wears adult clothes though […]
5 Great Novels in My Lineup for #SciFiMonth
November is here and it’s time for SciFiMonth, that great blog-along managed by Lisa of Dear Geek Place and imyril of There’s Always Room for One More. If you want to sign up, they have set up a master schedule where you can enter whatever you plan to blog or tweet about. Check out Lisa’s […]